by inrecors | Dec 24, 2024 | News
In an effort to further improve the quality of operations, Inreco LLC is introducing the possibility for all employees to report any illegal or unauthorized activities within the company. By clicking the following link, you can submit a whistleblowing report. For any...
by inrecors | Dec 24, 2024 | Vesti
U želji da još više unapredi kvalitet poslovanja Inreco doo uvodi mogućnost prijavljivanja svih nezakonitih i nedozvoljenih dešavanja u firmi, za sve zaposlene. Klikom na sledeći link možete podneti izveštaj o uzbunjivanju. Za sva dodatna pitanja Vam stojimo na...
by inrecors | Mar 20, 2023 | Vesti
Inreco d.o.o. je vlasnik nove mašine John Deere 6190R koja će se koristiti za izvođenje zemljanih radova u uslovima nepovoljnim za kretanje...
by inrecors | Mar 20, 2023 | News, Uncategorized
Inreco d.o.o. now owns a new machine John Deere 6190R which will be used for jobs that are hard to do using cement...
by inrecors | Jun 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
In order to connect the market, Inreco has expanded its machinery to include two new cold milling...